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    The Best of Intentions

    I started out on this journey with all ofthese ideas. When writing my last post I really struggled with wanting it to be exactly perfect. Perfectionism has gotten the best of me many times. In this instance and it has interfered with my ability to figure out where to start  Because I have all of these great ideas about what I want to evaluate and what I want to share I got lost. Lost in the vast options. What I needed to remember was the Why. Not only why now that I already shared but then also the why behind why I even wanted to start this project in the…

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    Back in the swing of things

    We finished up our first full week of hybrid learning for my kindergartener which means 2 days of asynchronous learning (i.e. worksheets and videos from teachers), one day of whole class zooming for 45 minutes and 2 days in person learning. I forgot how hard it was to get everything done in the morning in order to get a kiddo out the door and to school on time! A silver lining of remote learning has been the slower start to the day. I’m exhausted just thinking back to pre-covid when I would wake up between 6:00am and 6:45am to get breakfast made, pack 3 lunches, get all 3 kids in…

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    100th Day of School!

    Friday was Teagan’s first day of in person Kindergarten and she was SO very excited! I have longed for this day for the past few years and to be honest, I mourned the loss of this day in the Fall when school started 100% remote. This was supposed to be the year that all 3 of our kids were in school, that we had no childcare expenses and that I could adjust my work schedule to more closely match the kids school schedules. 2020 had something different in mind! I had to allow myself to grieive the loss of something that my Type A personality had planned and prepared for…

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    Why now?

    I spent the better half of 2020 feeling completely overwhelmed. For the first time we were without a nanny and all 3 kids were out of school. This doesn’t really work when you have 2 full time working parents that work outside of the home.   With the start of the pandemic 1 year ago, we shifted our schedules in a way that would me to stay home with the kids in the morning and early afternoon and my husband who would take over the afternoon and evening. I am so very grateful to have this flexibility as a business owner and to have the support from my patients as…

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    Bring on 2021

    2020 was full of pain, heartache, uncertainty, stress and chaos.   I started the year off fracturing my sacrum from a simple slip on the ice on after a wonderful day playing in the snow with my kids and friends. This was January 14th, 2020. I spent the next 6 weeks only being able to work a few short hours at a time (literally 2 hours at a time and then would spend the rest of the day unable to get off of the couch). I didn’t know it at the time, but this injury turned into chronic unrelentless pain. While home recovering from the injury, the current COVID-19 pandemic…